Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Interesting "Chamber Like" Boulder

This boulder is located in an area that is believed to have been a limestone mining operation in Johnstown (which I am doing more historical research on). But having said this, there are some other rock on rocks and niches in the same general area that could possibly be of Native American origin. The site so far seems a mixture of both at this point.

All the evidence suggests that this is believed to have been done by quarry workers sometime in the late 1800's or early 1900's. But this mining area could even be older. Possibly dating back to the 1700's.

This is one of only one of two things I have ever cleaned off in the past couple of years. And I cleaned it off only to be able to get better pictures.

Closeup of top of boulder.

The section of rock that is the "ceiling" was taken from the top of the boulder.

Closeup of "chamber like" feature. It's large enough for someone to sit in.

Closeup of top.

Side view.

Another closeup view.

The back of the structure.

I will be posting more pictures from this site soon. Showing more aspects of possible Native American and historical mining activity.

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