Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Native American - Burial Mound - Decker

Nice large sunken cairn - from around 1000 AD - but my expert thinks it could even be older. Found about 2500 feet up just below ridge line in a ravine. It's about 8 feet wide. Note - that there are two sunken areas. This is due to the stacked - log burial decomposing in the centuries since its construction. There is at least one other cairn of this type in the same area, besides just - on the ground types. This cairn sits very near the beginning of a long serpert like wall. If you could imagine the whole area clear cut - this ravine would look directly into the Conemaugh Gap.

This structure has considerable age. The area was clear cut and open field for anywheres between 75 and 150 years. Meaning when it was open field there was a lot less leaves and tree branches to accunmulate and debris to build up. There are so many structures of different types at this site - that everytime I go there I notice something different.

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