Friday, January 1, 2010

More from the Same Area

This niche is the first thing you see walking in. There are three different things going on in this area. The first two can be proved - Coal and Limestone Mining. It's this third - a possible Native American aspect that is proving to be interesting. Given the fact that proving Indians (mostly Delaware, Shawnee and Susquehanna) even lived in the Johnstown area long term isn't easy. I also have one report that states that the Mononoghela culture (they died out around 1600) was the main tribe that lived here at one time.

This thing I can't tell if it is a possible niche or a mine shaft opening/air hole.

The back of this feels solid. I stuck a stick inside. But that could be because it looks like it's kind of collapsed.

This bent tree is in the area where I found the next three possible "rock on rock" examples. Also in this area is a possible Native American Petroglyph that is currently under investigation by others. I am not ready to post any pictures on that yet. But I will have more details on the carving in the next couple of months.

Possible rock on rock.

Possible rock on rock.

Possible rock on rock.

This flat type circular cairn is also in the area.

This is the path heading to the limstone quarry/mining area.

This is the very large rock mound believed to be a result of limestone mining.

I will be posting yet more pictures from this area coming up.

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